Florida School Grades

Carver Exceptional Center

2934 E Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33610-4413

Carver Exceptional Center is a Combination School located in Tampa and run by principal Earnest Woods. Carver Exceptional Center has 50 total students and 8 teachers with an average of 6 students per classroom teacher. Students at Carver Exceptional Center have a high minority student population with black/african american students being the largest segment of the population and are generally from mid-range poverty households.

☎ Phone: (813)236-3500
👔 Principal: EARNEST WOODS
💰 Mid-Range Poverty  
👦 High Minority 
2934 E Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33610-4413

Total Students





6 to 1

Students Per Grade

The current distribution of students per grade at Carver Exceptional Center.

Students Diversity

The following table shows student population diversity at Carver Exceptional Center.

Black/African American4488%

No School Grade Data Found 😭